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Meet the Species

New York Phenology Project has selected a list of focal species that are being tracked across our partner sites. This approach is creating a robust dataset about these species across the New York region. Our partner sites range along a gradient from urban to rural, and north to south, allowing researchers to investigate the impact of both climate and urbanization on native plants and pollinators.


These focal species are common in New York State, and many are also being tracked by phenologists across the country. Each partner site has a distinct species list that overlaps as much as possible with the NYPP list, but may also have other species as well. 


NYPP has created species profiles for each species that can be used by partner sites or particpating organizations for education purposes. You can click on the link below to open or download a profile. They are a work in progress and not yet complete. We are asking our volunteers to submit photos so that we can create a complete set of profiles with open access photos of each phenophase. Let us know if you have photos to submit! 

Large trees:

*Acer rubrum - Red maple

*Acer saccharum - Sugar Maple 

*Fagus grandifolia  - American beech

Juniperus virginiana - Eastern red cedar

Liriodendron tulipifera - Tulip Tree

*Prunus serotina - Black cherry

*Quercus rubra - Northern red oak

Sassafras albidum - Sassafrass

*Tsuga canadensis - Eastern hemlock


Small trees/shrubs:

*Cornus florida - Flowering dogwood

*Hamamelis virginiana - Witchhazel

Ilex verticillata - Common winterberry

Kalmia latifolia - Mountain laurel

*Lindera benzoin - Northern spicebush

Vaccinium corymbosum- Highbush blueberry


Woodland Forbs:

Arisaema triphyllum – Jack in the pulpit

*Erythronium americanum - Dogtooth violet

*Eurybia divaricata - White wood aster

Fragaria virginiana - Virginia strawberry

*Impatiens capensis - Jewelweed

Maianthemum canadense - Canada mayflower

*Symplocarpus foetidus - Skunk cabbage

Trientalis borealis - Starflower

Trillium erectum - Red trillium


Open Meadow/Garden Forbs:

*Achillea millefolium – Common yarrow

Asclepias incarnata - Swamp milkweed

*Asclepias syriaca - Common milkweed

Asclepias tuberosa - Butterfly milkweed

Echinacea purpurea - Purple coneflower

Liatris spicata- Dense blazing star

Lobelia cardinalis - Cardinal flower

*Monarda fistulosa - Wild bergamot

*Symphyotrichum novae-angliae – New England aster

Vernonia noveboracensis - New York ironweed



*Berberis thunbergii - Japanese barberry

Lonicera maackii - Amur honeysuckle

Rosa multiflora - multiflora rose

Euonymus alatus - burningbush

Lonicera morrowii - Morrow's honeysuckle

Lonicera tatarica - Tatarian honeysuckle 



Anax junius – common green darner

*Apis mellifera – honey bee

*Bombus spp. – bumblebee

Celastrina ladon complex – spring azure

Danaus plexippus – monarch butterfly

*Malacosoma americanum – eastern tent caterpillar

Nymphalis antiopa – mourning cloak

Papilio canadensis – Canadian tiger swallowtail

Pieris rapae – cabbage white

Pyrrharctia isabella – woolly bear

*Speyeria cybele – great spangled fritillary

Vanessa atalanta – red admiral

*Xylocopa virginica – eastern carpenter bee


*Calibration Species 


These highlighted species are found across rural to urban gradients, are useful in creating statewide species overlap, and have high research impact based on current accumulated data. 



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