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Which species are being studied?



Trees and Shrubs







  • Anaxyrus americanus – American toad

  • Lithobates sylvaticus – wood frog

  • Pseudacris crucifer – spring peeper



  • Sialia sialis – eastern bluebird

  • Tachycineta bicolor – tree swallow


Resources for this site

(for registered observers):

  • Coming soon!

PHeno-Sync Campaign


A pilot project in progress...


The mission of Pheno-Sync is to provide a targeted paired species list and strategy for monitoring sites that are interested in tracking the sycnornicity of species interactions. We are primarily focused on plants and pollinators (as this is a priority goal of NYPP) but are interested in other key plant-animal relationships in the Northeast as well. For example, hemlock and hemlock wooly adelgid are an important pair to track for management purposes. We are working closely with USA-NPN to add key species to the national species list that are not currently listed and explore the protocols capable of collecting relevant data and visualizing species interactions given the disparities between plant and animal observation protocols. 



Work thus far... 


In 2013, Community Greenways Collaborative launched the New York Phenology Project to catalyze a network of organizations across New York State to gather phenology data for plants and animals, with a focus on plant-pollinator relationships. We started with plant-focused phenology programs and have expanded into pollinator monitoring at select locations. We've created species profiles for some of the most common nectar species in our region and have experimented with protocols related to plant-pollinator phenology synchronization monitoring. Recently we've collaborated with the USA-National Phenology Network to support a campaign called "Nectar Connectors" which encourages phenology monitoring sites to add nectar species to their plant observation lists to build a more robust dataset for nectar species. This is the first step to getting a baseline dataset capable of addressing pollinator species interactions. Joining the campaign is as simple as adding the species on the list we've created! See here:











If you are interested in targeting your monitoring efforts on species interactions, see below for the list of paired species we are starting with. Some species profiles are not complete, and more detailed information about the species relationships and protocols coming soon! Organizations that are interested in partnering on this initiative can contact us here. 


Observing the flowering of nectar plants in your own backyard, a nearby park, or other location you frequent will help resource managers like the US Fish and Wildlife Service to better understand where and when nectar sources are available for monarchs and other pollinators across the United States, so that they can take necessary steps to conserve and promote habitat for these pollinators.
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